"portatemi ad Aggius: e fatemi una capanna in un bosco di sòveri là sul Tummeu Sotza, ch'io veda il golfo e tutto il lido insino alla Maddalena, ch'io sia svegliato ogni alba dal Gallo di Gallura." G. D'Annunzio
"Lu paltì no m'appena Da li me' lochi e da l'amichi cari, Cu aria sirena Anzi palchissu passaria mari"
You can demand the single CD to € 10,00 + shipment expenses
HISTORY of the Chorus of Aggius "Galletto di Gallura"
The chorus of Aggius " Galletto di Gallura" it is born towards the first half of years seventy under the direction of the most famous master of song Gallurese, Salvatore Stangoni, name from Gabriele D' Annunzio: “Galletto di Gallura”, than with ancient wisdom and patient will, trains a ten of young people from which the carrying nucleus of the chorus is born then.
Active in years seventy and eighty, after the dipartita one of Salvatore Stangoni comes directed until to 1992 from the mourning Leonardo Biosa, participating to the more important manifestations that they are kept annually in our island and crossing many times over the regional and national borders.
In the 2002 it has been decided within the Cultural Association "Group Folk Aggius" to reconstitute in stable form the chorus that in 2003 in its turn has become Cultural Association “CHORUS OF AGGIUS GALLETTO OF GALLURA”.

Currently it comes directed from Giampiero Cannas " Voce" , coadiuvato from Gian Piero Leoni " Trippi" and all' occasion Falsetto, Serafino Pirodda " Contra" Martino Spezzigu " Basso" and Antonio Leoni " Trippi"..
For chosen of the 5 members the chorus it executes exclusively traditional pieces single and Aggesi
, it participates in alternation with the other present choruses in country, to all the religious functions that are carried out during l' year between which the Week Saint, the Puttinges of Passover and Been born them, the novena of the Patronale festivity in honor of the Madonna Of the Rosary and quant' religious and profane other of has been handed on.

She is caretaker of the melodie of all the liturgico year, for the dedication of the members puts into effect them, to follow in the song, the ancient memories of the Sac mourning. Don Piero Baltolu, than until to the ns. days it has made to live again year after year, moving the archaic coralità in the old rituals. The chorus is structured in the classic form to Tasgja Aggese, therefore the solista voice that sets up melodia and the tonality on which 4 voices take part the others that are " lu Trippi" third greater one, " lu Contra" quarter, " lu Bassu" eighth lowland of the voice, " lu Falsittu" eighth high one of the voice.
PRESIDENT: Giampiero Cannas; VICE PRESIDENT Giovanni Peter Leoni; SECRETARY: Martino Spezzigu; CASHIER: Serafino Pirodda; COUNCILMAN: Antonio Leoni.

Festival Internazionale Corale di Musica Sacra
2 - 3 - 4 Dicembre 2011
Chiesa del Santo Sepolcro - Cagliari
Venerdì 2 Dicembre - ore 20:30

Leggi tutto

Via Roma - 133 - 07020 AGGIUS (OT)
Coro di Aggius "GALLETTO di GALLURA - C. P. 18 - Aggius (OT) - Phone +39.079.620858 - 079.620533 - 320.4315704 - C.F. 91028890902 - info@corodiaggius.com
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